Little Story from Editor of BooBoa

bamboo history bamboo product bamboo weaving

Hello everyone, I am the editor of BooBoa. Today I am here to talk to you about home furnishings and plants!

Recently, our company has purchased a batch of bamboo furniture. Looking at these beautiful bamboo products, I can’t help but think of the cute bamboo plants on my balcony. Speaking of bamboo, it is really an interesting thing!
Bamboo plants sound quite ordinary, but they are actually very interesting. Do you know that bamboo is actually grass, not a tree! That’s right, it is the largest herb in the world. Although some bamboos can grow to dozens of meters high, they are still grass in their bones. This makes me think that sometimes things that look weak may actually be much stronger than you think.

Speaking of bamboo, we have to mention lucky bamboo. In fact, lucky bamboo is not a real bamboo strictly speaking. It is a plant of the Dracaena family. But because it looks like bamboo and is particularly easy to keep, everyone calls it lucky bamboo. I remember when I first started working, I put a small pot of lucky bamboo on my desk. Every time I saw it, my mood would get better. Now that I think about it, maybe it’s not that it really brings good luck, but its tenacious vitality that gives me strength.
Some time ago, I went to a friend’s house. There was a small bamboo garden in their backyard. It was so beautiful! Various bamboos were planted there in an orderly manner. When the breeze blew, the bamboo leaves rustled, as if I was in the artistic conception described in a certain classical poem. I was thinking at the time that if I could put BooBoa’s bamboo furniture in such an environment, it would feel great!
At this point, I can’t help but recommend our BooBoa bamboo furniture to everyone. Imagine sitting in a bamboo rocking chair on a sunny afternoon, with a pot of lucky bamboo next to you, the beautiful scenery of the bamboo garden in the distance, and holding a favorite book in your hands. That feeling is so comfortable!

In fact, choosing bamboo furniture is not just because it looks good. Bamboo grows fast and has a short harvesting cycle. It is a very environmentally friendly material. Moreover, the texture of bamboo is naturally beautiful. When made into furniture, it has both a natural atmosphere and a modern feel. The most important thing is that bamboo furniture is very durable. If it is properly maintained, it can be used for many years!
A few days ago, my mother came to my house as a guest. When she saw my newly bought BooBoa bamboo coffee table, she said: “Oh, isn’t this a modern version of bamboo furniture? I didn’t expect that you young people like this now.” I found it very interesting. It seems that good things can really transcend the times!

Having said so much, I suddenly thought of an idea: why don’t we launch a “Bamboo Life” theme event next time! It is to encourage everyone to create a small bamboo corner at home. You can put BooBoa bamboo furniture, match it with some bamboo plants, and maybe even a mini bamboo garden. This will not only make the home full of natural atmosphere, but also allow us to find a piece of tranquility in our busy lives.
Well, let’s talk about it here today. I hope that after reading this article, everyone will have a new understanding of bamboo and bamboo products. Remember, there is beauty everywhere in life, the key is to discover it with your heart. See you next time, and everyone, bamboo must be well!

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Felix Lee

I am a native of Yangchun. Since I was a child, my home has been filled with various bamboo crafts. For example, bamboo baskets can be used to hold fish, candy, fruit, and more. Bamboo chairs and tables are durable and resistant to pests. I hope everyone can use these eco-friendly and practical bamboo products.